In Case You Were Too Busy To Click The Link Last Week: Here’s The Cover Of My Book!

(NOTE: Based on time elapsed since the posting of this entry, the BS-o-meter calculates this is 10.854% likely to be something that Ferrett now regrets.)

Last week I told people, hey, the cover of my new and awesome book THE UPLOADED is up at Barnes and Noble!  You can read the first two chapters of my story about the dark side digital immortality, and genetically-engineered superponies, and coral architecture!  Go click, I said!

And many of you did, and went, “Yeah, buddy, that book looks great.”  And then you presumably pre-ordered it and also bought me a pony.

But for those of you who didn’t click a link to see a beautiful cover…. hey, I get it.  Life’s busy.  The Internet scrolls on by like a rushing river, and maybe you meant to click but your finger broke or your dog did something cute or maybe you just, I dunno, had a life.  And now it’s a week later and Donald Trump did something else crazy that sucked all the air from the room, and you’ve entirely forgotten the magnificence that this upcoming book has to offer.

Well, just for you, here’s the cover, because I am so proud of the work Angry Robot does:

The Uploaded: Ferrett Steinmetz's new cyberpunk book

And as noted, this story is about what happens five hundred years after when humanity learns to upload our consciousnesses into effectively unkillable servers. Because once the dead can own property, and vote, and be treated like citizens – which, you know, they are, just ones with slightly digitized neurons – then eventually the money’s gonna pile up. You think the AARP has an undue influence upon politics now? Wait until they never die.

And that doesn’t take into account the culture changes. Because who’s gonna want to live, with your ugly meat diseases and your aging and your forgetfulness? Who wouldn’t want to transfer their brains into the greatest MMORPG that’s ever existed, a place that’s better than the real world?

What happens when living becomes unfashionable?

If this sounds like your cup of tea, well, you can preorder it – Barnes and Noble was kind enough to debut the cover, so giving them money is tech, but if you must use other online bookstores, it is available for preorder at That Other Place. It comes out in September. And, you know, I hope it’s worth your shekels.

Now go click on something else.  I hear there’s cute puppies out there.  Go find ’em.

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