I Wrote A Christmas Story, And So B&N Made FLEX $2.99!

(NOTE: Based on time elapsed since the posting of this entry, the BS-o-meter calculates this is 13.266% likely to be something that Ferrett now regrets.)

Angry Robot, my publisher, has a promotion called The 12 Days Of Robot Christmas, wherein 12 Angry writers each pen a brief Christmas-themed sci-fi/fantasy story.  I finished my Christmafantastic flashfic yesterday, and it’s going up on December 15th.
But during these 12 days, you can get many fantastic Angry Robot authors’ books at a discount, and so the e-book copy of Flex is a mere $2.99.  (And if you keep going back, you’ll get to see stories from my fellow authors Patrick S. Tomlinson, my book birthday twin Carrie Patel, Rod Duncan, and, well, eight more!)
I’ll tell you when my flashfic is up – man, writing a complete story with four characters and a full character arc in 1,150 words is like bonsai writing – but if you wanted to get ahead of the curve and buy cheap copies of my debut novel, well, $2.99’s less than a coffee at Starbucks.  (And B&N has been very, very kind to me, even listing me as one of their top 25 fantasy books of the year.  I’m still blushing.)
As another Christmas reminder, if you want signed copies of my physical novels, local indie bookstore legend Loganberry Books is the place to get them.  Time’s running out, but you can find the details of how to have a personally-inscribed Ferrett-book in your stocking here.)

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