Wanna Have Me Fix Your Love Life? Come To Columbus In Two Weeks!

(NOTE: Based on time elapsed since the posting of this entry, the BS-o-meter calculates this is 13.266% likely to be something that Ferrett now regrets.)

DISCLAIMER: I do not actually promise to fix your love life.  But if you’re poly and havin’ issues, I can probably give you some tools to help fix things.
I’ll be presenting down in Columbus at the kink event Winter Wickedness, where I’ll be giving two presentations on polyamory:
* Fucking Lots Of People Without Fucking Over Your Partner: How To Open Up Your Relationship
* Jealousy Is Not A Crime: Troubleshooting Broken Polyamory
It all happens on Saturday, February 7th, and the event has a ton of other neat classes if you’re at all into kink – in particular, one suspects @IPCookieMonster will have some damned smart things to say.  Tickets are still available, so if you’re curious, get in there now!

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