The I-Shoulda-Seen-That-By-Now Movie Marathon: This Saturday

(NOTE: Based on time elapsed since the posting of this entry, the BS-o-meter calculates this is 14.472% likely to be something that Ferrett now regrets.)

So periodically, Gini and I hold the I-Shoulda-Seen-That-By-Now Movie Marathon – a gathering where people get together at our house to watch movies.  The next event: this Saturday.
The rules are:
1)  EACH PERSON GETS TO CHOOSE ONE MOVIE, THE NAME OF WHICH THEY MUST PROVIDE IN ADVANCE. In keeping with the “I Shoulda Seen That By Now” theme, this can only be a movie which you yourself have not seen. There are to be no recommendations, no “I haven’t seen it in a decade,” no outs – only movies that you personally have never seen (and preferably feel guilty about not having seen).
2)  I CHOOSE WHICH MOVIES ARE ACCEPTABLE.  Left to their own devices, everyone chooses long depressing movies.  A full day consisting of The Godfather, Schindler’s List and Gone With The Wind is not only going to be really long, but soul-blackening.
So if you’re attending, I’ll be asking what you plan to watch.  You may be asked to provide another choice.
3) YOU MUST PROVIDE YOUR OWN DVD. Do not wait until the last minute to rent it, for these are the kinds of movies that RedBox tends not to have. Netflix it or purchase it for $9.99 or poll your neighbors to see who has it, but if you arrive empty-handed with your movie, you can watch the show from the front yard.
4) THERE WILL BE BREAKS IN BETWEEN MOVIES. These go so much better if we have time for breaks and pleasant chat.
This weekend’s ISSTBN looks tragically small, as many people had other plans, but we’re going through with it anyway.  If you’re local and interested, check the Evite.  I think my choice may be Weird Science.

1 Comment

  1. Lyn Belzer-Tonnessen
    Jan 21, 2014

    Oh, I wish. But, you know, Baltimore. Responsibilities. Feh.

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