My Schedule At ConFusion

(NOTE: Based on time elapsed since the posting of this entry, the BS-o-meter calculates this is 16.884% likely to be something that Ferrett now regrets.)

One of the sad casualties of my blogging absence is that I didn’t plug the convention I’m going to attend, well, tomorrow.  Which is a shame, because ConFusion is perhaps the strongest literary con in Michigan thanks to the good work of one Mr. David Klecha, full of wonderful authors and good interesting topics – and if there’s any local con I feel you should attend to see lots of cool writers, this is it.
So.  Here’s where I’ll be in Michigan, starting tomorrow.  My reading’s the one I’m paranoid about, so if you want to see me, please!  See me there.
7pm Friday: Fantasy and Horror
12pm Saturday: SF on TV
2pm Saturday: Reading (with Writers of the Future finalist Dr. Phil Kaldon!)
I’m still torn between reading all of “iTime,” which anyone who’s going to see me has likely read, or an excerpt from my too-long-to-read-in-full and not-yet-published erotic story “Rooms Formed Of Neurons And Sex.” Lemme know if you’ll be there and will have a preference. I’m easily swayed by audiences.
If you feel like supporting me, please show up to this!  I hate reading to empty rooms, and I’m told I do pretty good readings.
3pm Saturday: YA Fantasy vs. Science Fiction
4pm Saturday: The Lure of the Undead  
10am Sunday: Novels to the Small Screen

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