How To Get A Signed Copy Of A Book By Me
I’m pleased to say that I’ve teamed up with Cleveland indie bookseller Loganberry Books to provide signed copies of my books to anyone who wants them! (Alas, you’ll have to buy the books – which may be a problem if you have them already – but considering I have never successfully returned a library book on time, there’s no way you want to send me your existing books in the hopes of seeing them ever again.)
You can get a signed book like this:
1) Go to Loganberry Books’ contact form.
2) Type in which signed books of mine you’d like to purchase.
3) Type in your address.
4) If you want a custom inscription (i.e., “To my schmoopie-schmoopie, from Ferrett”), tell them what custom inscription you’d like.
5) For extra shenanigans, if you know me from somewhere (internet interactions, con appearances, fighting Evil together), tell them where we know each other, and I may add something customized!
6) Loganberry Books will calculate shipping costs, and bill you.
7) Pay them.
This process, it should be added, is not necessarily quick; I’ve promised to stop by once every one or two weeks to do signings in batches. It won’t ship the next day. So if you’re thinking about buying a signed copy of Flex or The Flux for Christmas, maaaaybe think about getting on that shiz now.
But yes! If you want signed copies and you can’t attend a convention I’m at (where I will sign literally anything you give me, including other people’s books), this is the way to do it!