The Arcade Cabinet: A Vital Update

I can’t just tell you how cool this is, so instead I’ll give it to you through the glory of video:

The weird thing is how much building a thing is like writing fiction.  All I can see are a list of about fifteen things that I could have done better, or things I need to patch before it’s finished.  (Anyone watching me live-blog the story I’m writing in The Clarion Echo will tell you how much I critique my fiction in-progress.)  I’m constantly frowning as crap, that paint job’s a little shoddy, or that gap needs to be shimmed, or that shelf should be leveled.
But then, as happened last night, I catch a glimpse of it out of the corner of my eye and see it as if it was the first time I’d seen it, and shit: that’s actually an arcade fucking cabinet.  Maybe it would win no contests as-is, but it’s still way better than I could have done had I never tried at all.
It’s like writing stories.  I’m in writer-mode and it’s all sentence-level stuff – a terrible word, a viewpoint shift, a missed emotional beat.  And yes, those things all need to be fixed, because a story is the emotional accumulation of a hundred details, and the more of them you can get perfectly right, the better the story will be.  And while you’re in that Felix Fix-It mode, the story appears to be a collection of missed opportunities, a heap of wrecked things.
And if you’re lucky, sometimes you read the story after forgetting about it for a while, and all of those beautiful things you mastered shimmered into view and you think, “That’s not bad.”
My cabinet.  It’s flawed.  But it’s not bad.  And like all my drafts in progress, it’ll get better.

How Being A Webmaster Made Me Grateful During Power Outages

The power went out last night.  Which was irritating, since the storm had passed.  I have no problems if there’s a big kraka-BOOM and the lights short out, but there’s something vaguely irritating at looking up at blue sky and seeing the neighbors stumbling out of their homes to confirm our collective loss.
Turns out we were part of a 167-house blackout, which is usually not a good sign.  Last time, the power took two days to come back on, and I had to work in a Panera Bread.  I was not looking forward to getting up at ass o’clock to try to leech bandwidth off of a chain restaurant.
Yet we hopefully flipped the fan switch before we went to sleep, and at around four in the morning, we felt a cool breeze on our bodies.  The gentlest, most perfect way of being alerted that the electricity had returned.
I’d be upset about the power outage in general, but I’m a webmaster.  If my site crashes, I gotta go figure out why, which means I’ve kept some pretty damn odd hours.  And it’s not always easy, with everybody bitching because they wanted to read the latest Magic articles and why don’t you just fix it and this site is shitty, you’re shitty, how dare you inconvenience me.  Meanwhile, I’m working on tremendously complicated architectures, trying to figure out which layer collapsed and why, fleshing out plans so this doesn’t happen again, often with several layers of management huffing down my neck asking, so when do we make money again?
The power guys are doing all of that, but with lives on the line at hospitals, in the rain, in deadly danger if they touch the wrong cord.  They’re working sixteen-hour shifts, pulled away from the things they wanted to do, out driving from downed wire to downed wire to provide the juice that society lives on.  And there’s all the griping that dammit, I’ve got raw chicken in this fridge that’s gonna spoil… but really, I just feel grateful.  I been there, guys.  You’re working the suck right now, fixing things you may not have had optimal control over in the first place, and your reward for getting it working again is usually an exasperated “Finally!”
I didn’t have to work at Panera today because some schmuck in a hard hat was working at four in the morning.  That was really nice of you.  Thanks.


The George Zimmerman trial is going very poorly for George Zimmerman.  All of the facts being presented by the prosecuting attorney are hitting home, the medical records are tearing his version of events to shreds, and his family is falling apart.
I know this because Twitter tells me so.  Mostly from my Twitter-friends Indigo and Rima Regas, die-hard liberals who have been reporting the trial.  The only news I’ve witnessed on Zimmerman’s trial that did not come through Twitter was The Daily Show’s rendition of Zimmerman’s lawyer’s ill-fated knock knock joke.
So of course my view is skewed.  How could it not be?  Doubtlessly, in some other parallel Twitterverse, there is a conservative dude getting updates on how the black people in Florida are ready to riot should this go poorly, that Zimmerman’s defense is shredding the prosecution, that Trayvon is now proven to be a bloodthirsty maniac.
That’s the joy of Twitter, really; seeing the flow in real-time.  You get a sense of history unfolding as it goes; I remember staying up late into the night watching the Texas filibuster, having watched the live feed for all of two minutes before realizing the Twitterverse was giving me a far more entertaining and informative look at it – people citing Robert’s Rules of Order, giving witty quips, noting the historical precedents.  It was like footnoted history, a brilliance of communication.  Those who told me, “Oh, Twitter could never replace news!” overlooked the fact that CNN wasn’t covering this shit and my Twitter was a wealth of information.
But it’s also skewed.  How is Zimmerman faring?  I have no idea.  I know it seems to be going poorly to people who want Zimmerman to go down in flames, which is based somewhat in reality as they keep linking to sites I deem trustworthy, but… is that reality, or wishful interpretation?  No clue.  Certainly a lot of the people who witnessed the filibuster seemed to think it a triumph, which it was in a sense, but it’s not like Rick Perry won’t try to sneak in again through the back door.
Twitter is a fantastic tool.  But unlike the news networks, which are covertly biased, my Twitter-feed is overtly biased.  I know somewhere there’s a truth, but Twitter as a newsfeed is more of a Roger Ebert review of a movie than the movie: I know it’s got leanings, and I have to account for them.
That makes it no less worthy, though.

Old Men, Dying, And The Things They Take

I was up early on a Saturday morning with my friend Thom Guthrie, and we were watching old men march.
The old men were dressed in military blue revolutionary garb, drums hanging from their waists.  They marched around the gazebo in the tiny town square, a patch of grass grudgingly stuffed in the middle of three intersecting roads.  We were too far away to hear what they were saying, but they were moving with great, exaggerated, heroic movements, the kind of motion that men in the 1950s envisioned George Washington striding across the landscape.
Nobody else was paying attention to them.  The only crowd, if you could call it that, was a small boy – evidently a grandson – standing in his own outfit, watching befuddled.  Whatever their ceremony was, it was inadvertently private.
“You know,” Guthrie said, turning to me after we’d watched them for a while, “I don’t want to do that, but I’m sad when it won’t be done.”
I nodded.  And we watched the old men some more.
My grandmother was a big woman on clubs, she was – a Loyal Member of the Amaranth, a Moose Club member, and forever helping people hold yard sales.  Every weekend, she’d go to some large, musty hall and dress up regalia and drink a hell of a lot.  The members were colorful old guys, veterans who all had nicknames like “Tiny” and booming laughs and hoards of in-jokes.
(Fun fact: My grandmother was the first and only member to consistently call me “Ferrett” after I pointed out that everyone at the club knew her as “Boots.”)
The organizations were basically a gossip factory, being full of snakepit politics where oh God did you hear how Mary wanted to change the drafting rule, and of course henpecked George went along, he always does – but that was a feature, not a bug, as it allowed my Gramma to be on the phone for hours at a time with her friends, talking merrily.  It filled her life with diversions.  And the clubs themselves did a lot of good things, although to me it often seemed inadvertent – charity drives that raised thousands of dollars, Easter Egg hunts, big Christmas food drives.  We were more charitable with Gramma in our life, merely because she dragged us into going to places we never would have thought to go otherwise, and was constantly passing down the pressure from her group to our family in order to donate cans, or pull-tabs, or what have you.
But it wasn’t a comfortable environment for kids.  They brought kids in on occasion – loved them, in fact – but the halls smelled like cigarette smoke, had couches filled with burnt ash and spilled scotch, and were dark as nightclubs without any of the attending glamour.  There simply wasn’t much for kids to do, though they had a stockpile of old games from the 1950s to drag out reluctantly.  It didn’t seem all that comfortable for my parents, either, as you had to dress up in tuxedoes and gowns – every stylist member of the Amaranth had their own gown, of course, but my parents looked uncomfortable and underdressed in their suits.
Yet it was a good business.  It ran.
Now it’s dying.
My mother was pressured into the Loyal Order by Gramma, and stayed for twenty years, but she found it to be a tangle of drama.  Which, of course, it was.  I’d rather stay at home and not have regular meetings with strangers, avoid engaging with teetotalling idiots who think the boozy Loyal Order should be more structured.
Yet throughout the United States, there are tons of organizations like this that are dying.  The Loyal Order.  Those historical reenactors out on the lawn.  Even the Boy Scouts seem to have problems attracting younger leaders, and I don’t write that off thanks to their anti-gay stance.  It’s just graying of a generation, and neither the Baby Boomers nor my generation had much interest in going out to be part of a club.  We’d rather just hang with our friends, a smaller and less organized group of people, self-selecting for comfort.
I don’t want these things to die.  They did (and do!) good work, tying communities together.  They provided a sense of obligation, of charity, of duty, that I lack in my life.  Sure, I blog, and I write to my Congressmen occasionally, and I suppose a lot of the donations and retweets I give to friends in trouble recreate that online.  But it’s not the same as getting out there and getting my hands dirty.
I also think there is a certain value of being pressed into a large group of people who you often have nothing in common with; an inconvenience, yes, but it reminds you that the world is not your friends, and mutates your outrage into a different set of beings.  On the Internet, you see these full-throated cries of MY GOD WHY DO I STILL HAVE TO TEACH STRANGERS ABOUT MY RARE AND NOT-WELL-KNOWN SYNDROME, since everyone they talk to has this marginalized issue, and it seems almost a befuddled moan of rage that the world does somehow not match their self-selected environment.  Whereas my Gramma and mother had a different, healthier anger – these people were inconveniences, obstacles, and morons, but they also had good qualities to be mined out.  So how the hell did you minimize their damage and maximize the rarity of their strengths?
But I don’t want to do that.  It sounded exhausting, as a kid, and sounds exhausting when my Mom relates the travails of her local condo group.  But it’s useful.  All of those Robert’s Rules of Orders and calls to action and subcommissions were hideously inefficient, like a job you never got paid for, but they got stuff done in that very human way where 80% of the effort is wasted.  Yet there were poor and sick people whose lives were immeasurably bettered.  There were cultures that honored things that should be honored, like the guys who died to free America from Britain’s rule.
Somebody should be honoring them, even if it’s not me.
I dunno how much you can fight selfishness.  As I said, my mother was pressured into it by my Gramma, and one sensed my Gramma was pressured into it by her friends, indicating that a certain constant force is necessary to squash people into these kinds of groups.  In the absence of that cultural combination of obligation and guilt, people just sort of drift away.  Which is happening now.  And it’s not being replaced by anything, so the world seems both a bit freer and a bit colder to me.
I have more free nights to play Diablo with my wife, to watch Master Chef with my friends, to work on my arcade cabinet.  I have less drama in my life, interacting with all the people in my neighborhood.  This is awesome.  Yet I also know near to nobody in my town, have no idea what the real challenges facing Rocky River are, and don’t really help the local downtrodden at all aside from throwing a few bucks at local charities.
There’s a part of me that wants my buddies to go, come on, you gotta join, everyone’s doing it, we’re all pitching in for this scrap metal drive.  To make me a functioning, productive member of this society I live in physically, here and now.  And another, larger part that’s happy to dork away my nights for my own pleasure, wistfully watching the old men slowly die and take their organizations with them.
So it goes.

You Can Respect The Rules And Still Hate 'Em

One of the disturbing trends I noted in the comments to yesterday’s lament about kids not being able to appreciate a movie was this:
“The kids I know are very quiet!  They’re well-behaved at the theater!”
I’m sure they are.  You may note that there was nothing in yesterday’s essay about how children are terribly behaved.  I’m of the opinion that, aside from the fact that kids are kids (which means they’re often squirmy or forgetful of their inside voices), most kids probably are well behaved at the movie theater.  And if they aren’t well behaved, it’s the fault of the parents, not the children (because even if your child has developmental issues, when s/he starts to act disruptively, the least you can do is politely remove the child from the theater).
The problem I had was that there was no distinction made between “Acting well” and “Enjoying it.”
Look, I don’t go to black-tie dinners because there’s an oppressive layer of etiquette there.  I can dress well enough, when the need strikes, and I can tone down my conversation for genteel limits, and I do know shortcuts to tell the difference between forks.  (Work from the outside in, my friend.)  But when I go, I find it stiff and uncomfortable; I’d rather throw a party at my house where everyone shows up in T-shirts and jeans and talks about pubic hair.
Likewise, children may be very well behaved at the movies.  That doesn’t mean that they like it.  They may want to see Despicable Me 2, but instead of seeing it as a treat, endure it as a cost of seeing it now.  And I suspect many – not all – of them do.  I suspect a lot of them are going to view movies as that sort of thing that older people do, much like (as was pointed out) the attendees of live theater are largely graying.
But I want to draw that notice: kids can be well behaved and not like it.  Just because they’re not bothering you doesn’t mean they’re enraptured.  I suspect many of them are quietly kicking their feet, irritated that they have to pee and can’t pause it, wanting to go for Mom’s iPad when the movie turns out to be boring but knowing better.
We’ll see what happens in the future, but I suspect we’ll have a lot of kids with home theater systems.