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AnnaAndBari.jpg (8886 bytes) Now one of the other frequently-asked questions was, "Isn't that your ex-fiancee over there at that table?" and the answer is, thankfully, yes.   Bari and I were engaged for two years and it didn't work out because we had a poor synergy as lovers — but we're still great friends, thank God.  She was nervous about attending the wedding until she met Gini, who really wanted her to be there.... as did I.  The reason we stayed together as long as we did is because I really do love her more than almost anyone else in the world, and having her there despite horrible medical problems meant a lot to me.  That's her on the right.  Hey, Bariweasel!  

On the left is Anna, an old friend from my former Norwalk troupe — Anna's a lot of fun to hang with and I used to hang out at her apartment and just kick back.   She's really sweet.  She also gave the emcee her number at the end of the night, which I'm not sure means anything but I thought I'd embarass her here anyway.  

ThomAndGroom.jpg (9464 bytes) This is my pal Thom Guthrie and I.  Remember, I am nearly six feet tall.  Tom is a mountain of a main, and should by all rights be called "Haystack" Guthrie except that we all know it wouldn't bother him.  I met Thom during one of my failed college attempts at Southern Connecticut — he loved my college writing and got me into the marching band, leading to one of my all-time favorite anecdotes.  Ever since then we've gotten along like a house on fire — he has my cynical sense of humor, my deep and abiding love for all things geeky (comics, mainly), and even though the freakin' Green Lantern is one of his heroes (why not the Flash, dude?) I love him to death.   Always good for a night out drinkin', Thom is.

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All of the others here will or have been be explained, but Jen standing forlornly on the right there is one of my other Southern CT friends.  We met in professor Charles Fort's class — Fort was the asshole who was theoretically teaching poetry but in reality spoiled me on the experience so much that I gave up poetry for essay-writing — and got along ever since.  Jen's a babe and I got to watch her turn from meek English student to wild party woman... and now she's gone to responsible mother, which is a whiplash change that, had Lloyd's of London been insuring her against responsible motherhood, they would have had to pay out a freakin' fortune.   God love her!